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[The Shins] The Rifle’s Spiral

# Vidéo

J’ai connu ce groupe grâce au film « Garden State »… Voici l’un de mes clips préférés, avec un style très proche du « Coraline » de Neil Gaiman et Henri Selick !

# Paroles

Dead lungs command it.
You pour your life down the rifle’s spiral
And show us you’ve earned it.
Cleric’s fog will recede right before your eyes.

So long to this wretched form.
Them grey eyes on the subway
Long before you were born
You were always to be a dagger floating
Straight to their heart.

Listen, now, we won’t tell anyone.
But you’re gonna tell the world.
So life ain’t then any fun.
Let your viscera unfurl

As you rise; rise from your burning fiat,
Go, go get my suitcase, would you?
You’ve thoroughly blown their minds.
And now I must have passage on the lines
To the veins from your heart.

You’re not invisible, now.
You just don’t exist.
Your mother must be so proud.
You sublimate yourself, granting us a wish.

Primitive mirror on the wall,
to fortify your grim resolve.
And made the glitz of a shopping mall
another grain of indigent salt for the sea.

Good night to these wretched forms
All them gray eyes on the subway
So long before you were born
you were always to be a dagger floating
straight to their heart.

# Quelques infos

Artiste : The Shins
Album : Port of Morrow
Date de sortie : 2012

YouTube Music
Apple Music
Lien vers la fiche Garden State :
Lien vers la fiche Coraline :
Les derniers articles par Iwao (tout voir)
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